Children Quotes

The Thing That Impresses Me The Most About America Is The Way Parents Obey Their Children.


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That’s The Funny Thing About Havin’ A Kid. They Come With Their Own Set Of Problems; Make Everything Else You Were Worried About Seem Kinda Silly.


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The Best Way To Keep Children Home Is To Make The Home Atmosphere Pleasant–And Let The Air Out Of The Tires.


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Some Men Just Aren’t Cut Out For Paternity. Better They Should Realize It Before And Not After They Become Responsible For A Son.


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Level With Your Child By Being Honest. Nobody Spots A Phony Quicker Than A Child.


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Grown-Ups Never Understand Anything For Themselves, And It Is Tiresome For Children To Be Always And Forever Explaining Things To Them.


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I Am Amused When Goody-Goodies Proclaim, From The Safety Of Their Armchairs, That Children Are Naturally Prejudice-Free, That They Only Learn To Hate From Listening To Bigoted Adults. Nonsense. Tolerance Is A Learned Trait, Like Riding A Bike Or Playing The Piano. Those Of Us Who Actually Live Among Children, Who See Them In Their Natural Environment, Know The Truth: Left To Their Own Devices, Children Will Gang Up On And Abuse Anyone Who Is Even Slightly Different From The Norm.


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