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I Am The Most Powerful Man In Chicago


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I Came To Realize That Life Lived To Help Others Is The Only One That Matters And That It Is My Duty…This Is My Highest And Best Use As A Human.


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I Believe America’s Best Days Are Ahead Of Us Because I Believe That The Future Belongs To Freedom, Not To Fear.


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My Life Has No Purpose, No Direction, No Aim, No Meaning, And Yet I’m Happy. I Can’t Figure It Out. What Am I Doing Right?


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Great Wisdom Is Generous; Petty Wisdom Is Contentious. Great Speech Is Impassioned, Small Speech Cantankerous.


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She Hadn’t Chosen Him Over All The Others. The Truth Was That She Hadn’t Even Thought About Anyone Else.


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You Can Get Much Further With A Kind Word And A Gun Then You Can With A Kind Word Alone


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There’s Something Fundamental You Have To Understand About Yourself Before You Can Change Your Life For Good.


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If You Want To Know What God Thinks Of Money, Just Look At The People He Gave It To.


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I Don’t Know What The Future Of My Career Holds, But I Know That Whatever Is Over The Horizon, The Road I’ve Traveled To Get Here Is Like Those Interstates In Texas: Everything Can Look The Same, And It Can Feel Like You’re Not Going Anywhere, Until You Suddenly Get Where You’re Going And Realize That You’ve Been Traveling For A Long Time.


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Never Forget What A Man Says To You When He Is Angry.


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Ain’t Never Seen A Ski Trip Fix A Marriage.


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This Only Is Denied To God: The Power To Undo The Past.


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Criminal: A Person With Predatory Instincts Who Has Not Sufficient Capital To Form A Corporation.


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But Thought’s The Slave Of Life, And Life Time’s Fool.


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I Know Nothing Grander, Better Exercise, Better Digestion, More Positive Proof Of The Past, The Triumphant Result Of Faith In Human Kind, Than A Well-Contested American National Election.


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A Prose Writer Gets Tired Of Writing Prose, And Wants To Be A Poet. So He Begins Every Line With A Capital Letter, And Keeps On Writing Prose.


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Lies Are Like Children. If You Don’t Nurture Them, They’ll Never Be Useful Later.


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A Full Cup Must Be Carried Steadily.


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Happiness Arises In A State Of Peace, Not Of Tumult.


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Nothing seems expensive on credit.


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‘Where And How Can I Make This Meal Better For Me?’ I Asked Myself That Question Before Every Meal; Especially In The Beginning.


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Forming Characters! Whose? Our Own Or Others? Both. And In That Momentous Fact Lies The Peril And Responsibility Of Our Existence.


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I Have Come To The Conclusion That Politics Are Too Serious A Matter To Be Left To The Politicians.


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One Doesn’t Have A Sense Of Humor. It Has You.


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The Only Reason For Being A Professional Writer Is That You Can’t Help It.


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The Character Inherent In The American People Has Done All That Has Been Accomplished; And It Would Have Done Somewhat More, If The Government Had Not Sometimes Got In Its Way.


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It’s Sad When Our Daddies Die. Makes Us One Less Person Inside.


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In Science The Credit Goes To The Man Who Convinces The World, Not The Man To Whom The Idea First Occurs.


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I Deal With Stress In Two Ways Because There Are Two Kinds Of Stress. There’s Stress That You Can Take Care Of And There’s Stress That You Can’t. The First One, I Take Care Of It As Fast As Possible, Because Putting It Off Always Makes It Worse. Things That I Can’t Fix? I Think About The Fact That I Can’t Fix Them. I Think About Why I Can’t Fix Them And I Come To Terms With The Fact That This Is A Problem That I’m Not Going To Overcome And That The World Is Not A Wish Granting Factory.


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Poverty Is The Parent Of Revolution And Crime.


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Happy Families Are All Alike; Every Unhappy Family Is Unhappy In Its Own Way.


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Let The Fear Of Danger Be A Spur To Prevent It; He That Fears Not, Gives Advantage To The Danger.


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A High Hope For A Low Heaven: God Grant Us Patience!


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Civilization Is The Art Of Living In Towns Of Such Size The Everyone Does Not Know Everyone Else.


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What Is Defeat? Nothing But Education; Nothing But The First Step To Something Better.


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Never Give Advice Unless Asked.


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Pride Is A Powerful Narcotic, But It Doesn’t Do Much For The Auto-Immune System.


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Since A Politician Never Believes What He Says, He Is Quite Surprised To Be Taken At His Word.


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Only A Peace Between Equals Can Last. Only A Peace The Very Principle Of Which Is Equality And A Common Participation In A Common Benefit.


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Liberals Are Very Broadminded: They Are Always Willing To Give Careful Consideration To Both Sides Of The Same Side.


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Nothing Can So Alienate A Voter From The Political System As Backing A Winning Candidate.


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It Is Dismal Coming Home, When There Is Nobody To Welcome One!


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By The Time A Man Realizes That Maybe His Father Was Right, He Usually Has A Son Who Thinks He’s Wrong.


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Measure Not The Work Until The Day’s Out And The Labor Done.


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People Get Comfortable With The Way You Are; They Have Formed Their Opinion Of You Based On Everything They See And Know About You As A Person. When You Change That Up By Losing Weight, They No Longer Understand You.


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Everyone Has The Obligation To Ponder Well His Own Specific Traits Of Character. He Must Also Regulate Them Adequately And Not Wonder Whether Someone Else’s Traits Might Suit Him Better. The More Definitely His Own A Man’s Character Is, The Better It Fits Him.


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What’s Money? A Man Is A Success If He Gets Up In The Morning And Goes To Bed At Night And In Between Does What He Wants To Do.


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When You Have Loved As She Has Loved, You Grow Old Beautifully.


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We Cannot Really Love Anybody With Whom We Never Laugh.


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