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You Must Not Come Lightly To The Blank Page.


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You Just Have To Start Putting One Foot In Front Of The Other, Making An Effort To Get Healthy Every Day.


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The Idea Of All-Out Nuclear War Is Unsettling.


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The Meanest, Most Contemptible Kind Of Praise Is That Which First Speaks Well Of A Man, And Then Qualifies It With A But.


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I Myself Do Nothing. The Holy Spirit Accomplishes All Through Me.


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The Past Is A Source Of Knowledge, And The Future Is A Source Of Hope. Love Of The Past Implies Faith In The Future.


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Food Is An Important Part Of A Balanced Diet.


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A Celebrity Is A Person Who Works Hard All His Life To Become Well Known, Then Wears Dark Glasses To Avoid Being Recognized.


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It Has Been My Experience That Maximizing Income Is A Helluva Lot Less Important Than Maximizing Passion And Fulfillment In Your Both Professionally And Personally.


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We Secure Our Friends Not By Accepting Favors But By Doing Them.


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It Is Said That Power Corrupts, But Actually It’s More True That Power Attracts The Corruptible. The Sane Are Usually Attracted By Other Things Than Power.


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I Do Think Imperfection’s Underrated.


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Courage Is Being Scared To Death – But Saddling Up Anyway.


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Each Success Only Buys An Admission Ticket To A More Difficult Problem.


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If There Was Strife And Contention In The Home, Very Little Else In Life Could Compensate For It.


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When We Were Children, We Used To Think That When We Were Grown-Up We Would No Longer Be Vulnerable. But To Grow Up Is To Accept Vulnerability… To Be Alive Is To Be Vulnerable.


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Advertisements… Contain The Only Truths To Be Relied On In A Newspaper.


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Delay Is Preferable To Error.


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Pain Is Inevitable; Suffering Is Optional.


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Joel: That’s The Movies, Ed. Try Reality.
Ed: No Thanks.


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The Secret Of A Good Life Is To Have The Right Loyalties And To Hold Them In The Right Scale Of Values.


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There Are No Mistakes, Only Opportunities.


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Wishers Were Ever Fools.


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Our Character…Is An Omen Of Our Destiny, And The More Integrity We Have And Keep, The Simpler And Nobler That Destiny Is Likely To Be.


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Loving Yourself Means Caring Enough To Make The Hard Decisions In Your Life.


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Always Work Hard On Something Uncomfortably Exciting.


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Thanks To The Interstate Highway System, It Is Now Possible To Travel From Coast To Coast Without Seeing Anything.


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Pain (Any Pain–Emotional, Physical, Mental) Has A Message. The Information It Has About Our Life Can Be Remarkably Specific, But It Usually Falls Into One Of Two Categories: We Would Be More Alive If We Did More Of This, And, Life Would Be More Lovely If We Did Less Of That. Once We Get The Pain’s Message, And Follow Its Advice, The Pain Goes Away.


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With Silence Favor Me.
(Favete Linguis)


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The Only Good Is Knowledge And The Only Evil Is Ignorance.


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We Don’t Break Our Captains. We Kill Them.


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You Can’t Surprise A Man With A Dog.


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I Think The Mark Of A Great Ruler, Is Not His Ability To Make War But To Achieve Peace.


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Civilization Is A Race Between Education And Catastrophe.


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If You Wish To Know What A Man Is, Place Him In Authority.


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A flatterer has water in one hand and fire in the other.


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There Are Three Sides To Every Story. Mine, Yours And The Truth.


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Make All You Can, Save All You Can, Give All You Can.


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Getting Caught Is The Mother Of Invention.


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[Memory Is] A Man’s Real Possession…In Nothing Else Is He Rich, In Nothing Else Is He Poor.


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Men Of Genius Do Not Excel In Any Profession Because They Labor In It, But They Labor In It Because They Excel.


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I Think That I Shall Never See
A Billboard Lovely As A Tree.
Perhaps, Unless The Billboards Fall,
I’ll Never See A Tree At All.


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I’ve Grown To Realize The Joy That Comes From Little Victories Is Preferable To The Fun That Comes From Ease And The Pursuit Of Pleasure.


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Americans Are Overreachers; Overreaching Is The Most Admirable Of The Many American Excesses.


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They Say That God Is Everywhere, And Yet We Always Think Of Him As Somewhat Of A Recluse.


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With Age Come The Inner, The Higher Life. Who Would Be Forever Young, To Dwell Always In Externals?


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The Problem Of Power Is How To Achieve Its Responsible Use Rather Than Its Irresponsible And Indulgent Use – Of How To Get Men Of Power To Live For The Public Rather Than Off The Public.


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A Gift In Season Is A Double Favor To The Needy.


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Have You Heard That It Was Good To Gain The Day? I Also Say It Is Good To Fall, Battles Are Lost In The Same Spirit In Which They Are Won.


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Hollywood Is A Place Where They Place You Under Contract Instead Of Under Observation.


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