A Wise Man Once Said...

The Mathematics Is Not There Till We Put It There.


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You’re Probably On The Right Track If You Feel Like A Sidewalk Worm During A Rainstorm.


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I Can Resist Anything But Temptation.


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A Classic Is Classic Not Because It Conforms To Certain Structural Rules, Or Fits Certain Definitions (Of Which Its Author Had Quite Probably Never Heard). It Is Classic Because Of A Certain Eternal And Irrepressible Freshness.


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Women Who Seek To Be Equal With Men Lack Ambition.


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Dreaming Permits Each And Every One Of Us To Be Quietly And Safely Insane Every Night Of Our Lives.


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I Think It Is Good That Books Still Exist, But They Do Make Me Sleepy.


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We Have An Opportunity For Everyone In The World To Have Access To All The World’s Information. This Has Never Before Been Possible. Why Is Ubiquitous Information So Profound? It’s A Tremendous Equalizer. Information Is Power.


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Civilization Is Built On A Number Of Ultimate Principles…Respect For Human Life, The Punishment Of Crimes Against Property And Persons, The Equality Of All Good Citizens Before The Law…Or, In A Word Justice.


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It’s Not About The Writing. It’s About The Feelings Behind The Words.


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When You Have A Number Of Disagreeable Duties To Perform, Always Do The Most Disagreeable First.


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Beautiful Young People Are Accidents Of Nature, But Beautiful Old People Are Works Of Art.


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Just What Is It That America Stands For? If She Stands For One Thing More Than Another It Is For The Sovereignty Of Self-Governing People.


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If not today – when?


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Good Laws Lead To The Making Of Better Ones; Bad Ones Bring About Worse.


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It Is Dangerous To Be Right When The Government Is Wrong.


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The Future, According To Some Scientists, Will Be Exactly Like The Past, Only Far More Expensive.


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I Always Admired Atheists. I Think It Takes A Lot Of Faith.


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When Several Villages Are United In A Single Complete Community, Large Enough To Nearly Or Quite Self-Sufficing, The State Comes Into Existence, Originating In The Bare Needs Of Life, And Continuing In Existence For The Sake Of A Good Life.


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The Body Is A Sacred Garment.


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Writers Should Be Read, But Neither Seen Nor Heard.


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Get On Stage. A Lot. Try Stuff. Make Your Best Stab And Keep Stabbing. If It’s There In Your Heart, It Will Eventually Find Its Way Out. Or You Will Give Up And Have A Prudent, Contented Life Doing Something Else.


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If We Take Care Of The Moments, The Years Will Take Care Of Themselves.


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Those Who Flee Temptation Generally Leave A Forwarding Address.


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Most Conversations Are Simply Monologues Delivered In The Presence Of Witnesses.


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Good Habits Result From Resisting Temptation.


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A Society Of Sheep Must In Time Beget A Government Of Wolves.


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Strong Feelings Do Not Necessarily Make A Strong Character. The Strength Of A Man Is To Be Measured By The Power Of The Feelings He Subdues Not By The Power Of Those Which Subdue Him.


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Conscience Is What Makes A Boy Tell His Mother Before His Sister Does.


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There Are Three Social Classes In America: Upper Middle Class, Middle Class, And Lower Middle Class.


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Regret For Wasted Time Is More Wasted Time.


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Talking With You Is Sort Of The Conversational Equivalent Of An Out Of Body Experience.


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In God’s Wildness Lies The Hope Of The World – The Great Fresh Unblighted, Unredeemed Wilderness. The Galling Harness Of Civilization Drops Off, And Wounds Heal Ere We Are Aware.


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Believe One Who Has Proved It. Believe An Expert.


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I Have Often Thought That If Photography Were Difficult In The True Sense Of The Term — Meaning That The Creation Of A Simple Photograph Would Entail As Much Time And Effort As The Production Of A Good Watercolor Or Etching — There Would Be A Vast Improvement In Total Output. The Sheer Ease With Which We Can Produce A Superficial Image Often Leads To Creative Disaster.


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Opportunity Is Missed By Most People Because It Is Dressed In Overalls And Looks Like Work.


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The Problem With People Who Have No Vices Is That Generally You Can Be Pretty Sure They’re Going To Have Some Pretty Annoying Virtues.


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In The Truest Sense, Freedom Cannot Be Bestowed; It Must Be Achieved.


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The English Language Was Carefully, Carefully Cobbled Together By Three Blind Dudes And A German Dictionary.


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Your Life Story Would Not Make A Good Book. Don’t Even Try.


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Money’s The Same, Whoever Gives It To You. That Was The Point Of Money, After All: Crisp And Clean Or Wrinkled Or Disintegrated Into Quarters – A Dollar Was Always Worth A Hundred Cents.


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A Little Learning Is A Dangerous Thing But A Lot Of Ignorance Is Just As Bad.


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Any Government Is Potentially The Worst Client In The World You Could Ever Possibly Want To Have.


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In Business, You Must Remain Unattached To The Outcome. It Matters Not Who Is Chosen First And Who Is Chosen Second. The Only Thing That Matters Is The Final Verdict.


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In Most Cases Being A Good Boss Means Hiring Talented People And Then Getting Out Of Their Way. In Other Cases, To Get The Best Work Out Of People You May Have To Pretend You Are Not Their Boss And Let Them Treat Someone Else Like The Boss, And Then That Whispers To You Behind A Fake Wall And You Tell Them What To Tell The First Person. Contrary To What I Believed As A Little Girl, Being The Boss Almost Never Involves Marching Around, Waving Your Arms, And Chanting, I Am The Boss! I Am The Boss!


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One Must Desire Something To Be Alive.


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Life Is A Thing That Mutates Without Warning, Not Always In Enviable Ways. All Part Of The Improbable Adventure Of Being Alive, Of Being A Brainy Biped With Giant Dreams On A Crazy Blue Planet.


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If You Can Give Your Son Or Daughter Only One Gift, Let It Be Enthusiasm.


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Nature Herself Makes The Wise Man Rich.


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But A Somewhat More Liberal And Sympathetic Examination Of Mankind Will Convince Us That The Cross Is Even Older Than The Gibbet, That Voluntary Suffering Was Before And Independent Of Compulsory; And In Short That In Most Important Matters A Man Has Always Been Free To Ruin Himself If He Chose.


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