Aristotle Quotes

Dignity Consists Not In Possessing Honors, But In The Consciousness That We Deserve Them.


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When Several Villages Are United In A Single Complete Community, Large Enough To Nearly Or Quite Self-Sufficing, The State Comes Into Existence, Originating In The Bare Needs Of Life, And Continuing In Existence For The Sake Of A Good Life.


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If Some Animals Are Good At Hunting And Others Are Suitable For Hunting, Then The Gods Must Clearly Smile On Hunting.


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Pleasure In The Job Puts Perfection In The Work.


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To Perceive Is To Suffer.


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All Human Actions Have One Or More Of These Seven Causes: Chance, Nature, Compulsion, Habit, Reason, Passion, And Desire.


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We Must As Second Best…Take The Least Of The Evils.


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It Is In Justice That The Ordering Of Society Is Centered.


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To Enjoy The Things We Ought And To Hate The Things We Ought Has The Greatest Bearing On Excellence Of Character.


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The Basis Of A Democratic State Is Liberty.


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We Make War That We May Live In Peace.


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Evil Brings Men Together.


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The Best Political Community Is Formed By Citizens Of The Middle Class.


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Even When Laws Have Been Written Down, They Ought Not Always To Remain Unaltered.


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It Is The Nature Of Desire Not To Be Satisfied, And Most Men Live Only For The Gratification Of It.


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The Only Stable State Is The One In Which All Men Are Equal Before The Law.


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All Paid Jobs Absorb And Degrade The Mind.


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Misfortune Shows Those Who Are Not Really Friends.


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Happiness Depends Upon Ourselves.


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Humor Is The Only Test Of Gravity, And Gravity Of Humor; For A Subject Which Will Not Bear Raillery Is Suspicious, And A Jest Which Will Not Bear Serious Examination Is False Wit.


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Again, Men In General Desire The Good, And Not Merely What Their Fathers Had.


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It Is Possible To Fail In Many Ways…While To Succeed Is Possible Only In One Way.


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With Regard To Excellence, It Is Not Enough To Know, But We Must Try To Have And Use It.


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I Count Him Braver Who Overcomes His Desires Than Him Who Overcomes His Enemies.


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If Liberty And Equality, As Is Thought By Some Are Chiefly To Be Found In Democracy, They Will Be Best Attained When All Persons Alike Share In The Government To The Utmost.


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The Aim Of Art Is To Represent Not The Outward Appearance Of Things, But Their Inward Significance.


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Nature Does Nothing Uselessly.


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Hope Is A Waking Dream.


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All Men By Nature Desire Knowledge.


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Education Is The Best Provision For Old Age.


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How Many A Dispute Could Have Been Deflated Into A Single Paragraph If The Disputants Had Dared To Define Their Terms.


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It Is The Mark Of An Educated Mind To Be Able To Entertain A Thought Without Accepting It.


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Liars When They Speak The Truth Are Not Believed.


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I Have Gained This By Philosophy: That I Do Without Being Commanded What Others Do Only From Fear Of The Law.


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Men Acquire A Particular Quality By Constantly Acting A Particular Way… You Become Just By Performing Just Actions, Temperate By Performing Temperate Actions, Brave By Performing Brave Actions.


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Young People Are In A Condition Like Permanent Intoxication, Because Youth Is Sweet And They Are Growing.


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Without Friends No One Would Choose To Live, Though He Had All Other Goods.


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He Who Is Unable To Live In Society, Or Who Has No Need Because He Is Sufficient For Himself, Must Be Either A Beast Or A God.


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It Is Unbecoming For Young Men To Utter Maxims.


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Man Is By Nature A Political Animal.


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Law Is Order, And Good Law Is Good Order.


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The Gods Too Are Fond Of A Joke.


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In All Things Of Nature There Is Something Of The Marvelous.


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Evil Draws Men Together.


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It Is Simplicity That Makes The Uneducated More Effective Than The Educated When Addressing Popular Audiences.


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The Moral Virtues, Then, Are Produced In Us Neither By Nature Nor Against Nature. Nature, Indeed, Prepares In Us The Ground For Their Reception, But Their Complete Formation Is The Product Of Habit.


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Law Is Mind Without Reason.


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Poverty Is The Parent Of Revolution And Crime.


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One Swallow Does Not Make A Summer.


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