Happiness Quotes

At The Height Of Laughter, The Universe Is Flung Into A Kaleidoscope Of New Possibilities.


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The Secret Of Happiness Is To Make Others Believe They Are The Cause Of It.


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Why Not Be Happy After A While? You Get To A Certain Age Where You Prepare Yourself For Happiness. Sometimes You Never Remember To Get Happy.


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Most Folks Are About As Happy As They Make Up Their Minds To Be.


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Life’s Greatest Happiness Is To Be Convinced We Are Loved.


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Happiness Is Having A Large, Loving, Caring, Close-Knit Family In Another City.


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Cherish All Your Happy Moments: They Make A Fine Cushion For Old Age.


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Happiness Is That State Of Consciousness Which Proceeds From The Achievement Of One’s Values.


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I Define Joy As A Sustained Sense Of Well-Being And Internal Peace – A Connection To What Matters.


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Many Persons Have A Wrong Idea Of What Constitutes True Happiness. It Is Not Attained Through Self-Gratification But Through Fidelity To A Worthy Purpose.


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Happiness Isn’t Something You Experience; It’s Something You Remember.


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Depend Not On Another, But Lean Instead On Thyself…True Happiness Is Born Of Self-Reliance.


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Happiness Is Always A By-Product. It Is Probably A Matter Of Temperament, And For Anything I Know It May Be Glandular. But It Is Not Something That Can Be Demanded From Life, And If You Are Not Happy You Had Better Stop Worrying About It And See What Treasures You Can Pluck From Your Own Brand Of Unhappiness.


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