I Can’t Talk About

I Can’t Talk About Our Love Story, So I Will Talk About Math. I Am Not A Mathematician, But I Know This: There Are Infinite Numbers Between 0 And 1. There’s .1 And .12 And .112 And An Infinite Collection Of Others. Of Course, There Is A Bigger Infinite Set Of Numbers Between 0 And 2, Or Between 0 And A Million. Some Infinities Are Bigger Than Other Infinities. A Writer We Used To Like Taught Us That. There Are Days, Many Of Them, When I Resent The Size Of My Unbounded Set. I Want More Numbers Than I’m Likely To Get. But, My Love, I Cannot Tell You How Thankful I Am For Our Little Infinity. I Wouldn’t Trade It For The World. You Gave Me A Forever Within The Numbered Days, And I’m Grateful.


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