Anonymous Quotes

A Conscience Is What Hurts When All Your Other Parts Feel So Good.


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Today Is The Tomorrow You Worried About Yesterday.


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Our Land Is More Valuable Than Your Money. As Long As The Sun Shines And The Waters Flow, This Land Will Be Here To Give Life To Men And Animals; Therefore, We Cannot Sell This Land. It Was Put Here For Us By The Great Spirit And We Cannot Sell It Because It Does Not Belong To Us.


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It’s Impossible Said Pride. It’s Risky Said Experience. It’s Pointless Said Reason. Give It A Try Whispered The Heart


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Liberals Are Very Broadminded: They Are Always Willing To Give Careful Consideration To Both Sides Of The Same Side.


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When In Doubt, Just Take The Next Small Step.


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Time Heals Almost Everything. Give Time Time.


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Don’t Buy Stuff You Don’t Need.


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It’s Ok To Get Angry With God. He Can Take It.


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He Deserves Paradise Who Makes His Companions Laugh.


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To Harken To Evil Conversation Is The Road To Wickedness.. (Pravis Assuescere Sermonibus Est Via Ad Rem Ipsam)


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If We Don’t Succeed, We Run The Risk Of Failure.


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A Guilty Conscience Needs No Accuser.


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If We All Threw Our Problems In A Pile And Saw Everyone Else’s, We’d Grab Ours Back.


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Get Outside Every Day. Miracles Are Waiting Everywhere.


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All That Truly Matters In The End Is That You Loved.


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Life Isn’t Fair, But It’s Still Good.


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Your Children Get Only One Childhood.


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Be Alert To Give Service. What Counts A Great Deal In Life Is What We Do For Others.


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Any Piece Of Clothing Can Be Sexy With A Quietly Passionate Woman Inside It.


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Envy Is A Waste Of Time. Accept What You Already Have, Not What You Think You Need.


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The Most Important Sex Organ Is The Brain.


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However Good Or Bad A Situation Is, It Will Change.


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