Cicero Quotes

The Name Of Peace Is Sweet, And The Thing Itself Is Beneficial, But There Is A Great Difference Between Peace And Servitude. Peace Is Freedom In Tranquillity, Servitude Is The Worst Of All Evils, To Be Resisted Not Only By War, But Even By Death.


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We Do Not Destroy Religion By Destroying Superstition.


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We Must Not Say Every Mistake Is A Foolish One.


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In Men Of The Highest Character And Noblest Genius There Is To Be Found An Insatiable Desire For Honour, Command, Power, And Glory.


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The Shifts Of Fortune Test The Reliability Of Friends.


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The People’s Good Is The Highest Law.


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Let Your Desires Be Ruled By Reason.
(Appetitus Rationi Pareat)


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Live As Brave Men; And If Fortune Is Adverse, Front Its Blows With Brave Hearts.


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Endless Money Forms The Sinews Of War.


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He Removes The Greatest Ornament Of Friendship, Who Takes Away From It Respect.


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A Room Without Books Is Like A Body Without A Soul.


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The Strictest Law Often Causes The Most Serious Wrong.


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The Wise Are Instructed By Reason; Ordinary Minds By Experience; The Stupid, By Necessity; And Brutes By Instinct.


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Such Praise Coming From So Degraded A Source, Was Degrading To Me, Its Recipient.


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Law Stands Mute In The Midst Of Arms.


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There Are Some Duties We Owe Even To Those Who Have Wronged Us. There Is, After All, A Limit To Retribution And Punishment.


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He Only Employs His Passion Who Can Make No Use Of His Reason.


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There Is No Duty More Obligatory Than The Repayment Of Kindness.


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Neither Can Embellishments Of Language Be Found Without Arrangement And Expression Of Thoughts, Nor Can Thoughts Be Made To Shine Without The Light Of Language.


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While There’s Life, There’s Hope.


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It Is A Great Thing To Know Our Vices.


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Gratitude Is Not Only The Greatest Of Virtues, But The Parent Of All Others.


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Nature Herself Makes The Wise Man Rich.


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Friendship Make Prosperity More Shining And Lessens Adversity By Dividing And Sharing It.


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There Is Nothing So Absurd But Some Philosopher Has Said It.


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Everyone Has The Obligation To Ponder Well His Own Specific Traits Of Character. He Must Also Regulate Them Adequately And Not Wonder Whether Someone Else’s Traits Might Suit Him Better. The More Definitely His Own A Man’s Character Is, The Better It Fits Him.


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Where Is There Dignity Unless There Is Honesty?


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History Is The Witness That Testifies To The Passing Of Time; It Illumines Reality, Vitalizes Memory, Provides Guidance In Daily Life And Brings Us Tidings Of Antiquity.


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To Be Ignorant Of What Occurred Before You Were Born Is To Remain Always A Child.


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Our Thoughts Are Free.


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The Freedom Of Poetic License.


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The First Duty Of A Man Is The Seeking After And The Investigation Of Truth.


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Art Is Born Of The Observation And Investigation Of Nature.


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The Welfare Of The People Is The Ultimate Law.
(Salus Populi Suprema Est Lex)


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Be Sure That It Is Not You That Is Mortal, But Only Your Body. For That Man Whom Your Outward Form Reveals Is Not Yourself; The Spirit Is The True Self, Not That Physical Figure Which And Be Pointed Out By Your Finger.


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Natural Ability Without Education Has More Often Attained To Glory And Virtue Than Education Without Natural Ability.


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