George Burns Quotes

This Is The Sixth Book I’ve Written, Which Isn’t Bad For A Guy Who’s Only Read Two.


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Age To Me Means Nothing. I Can’t Get Old; I’m Working. I Was Old When I Was Twenty-One And Out Of Work. As Long As You’re Working, You Stay Young. When I’m In Front Of An Audience, All That Love And Vitality Sweeps Over Me And I Forget My Age.


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If You Ask What Is The Single Most Important Key To Longevity, I Would Have To Say It Is Avoiding Worry, Stress And Tension. And If You Didn’t Ask Me, I’d Still Have To Say It.


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The Secret Of A Good Sermon Is To Have A Good Beginning And A Good Ending, Then Having The Two As Close Together As Possible.


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Acting Is All About Honesty. If You Can Fake That, You’ve Got It Made.


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I Can Remember When The Air Was Clean And Sex Was Dirty.


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If You Live To Be One Hundred, You’ve Got It Made. Very Few People Die Past That Age.


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Happiness Is Having A Large, Loving, Caring, Close-Knit Family In Another City.


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I Was Always Taught To Respect My Elders And I’ve Now Reached The Age When I Don’t Have Anybody To Respect.


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