Laurence J. Peter Quotes

The Incompetent With Nothing To Do Can Still Make A Mess Of It.


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Competence, Like Truth, Beauty And Contact Lenses, Is In The Eye Of The Beholder.


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Everyone Rises To Their Level Of Incompetence.


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Education Is A Method Whereby One Acquires A Higher Grade Of Prejudices.


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An Intelligence Test Sometimes Shows A Man How Smart He Would Have Been Not To Have Taken It.


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Speak When You Are Angry–And You Will Make The Best Speech You’ll Ever Regret.


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Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Believe.


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An Economist Is An Expert Who Will Know Tomorrow Why The Things He Predicted Yesterday Didn’t Happen Today.


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Against Logic There Is No Armor Like Ignorance.


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Democracy Is A Process By Which The People Are Free To Choose The Man Who Will Get The Blame.


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Bureaucracy Defends The Status Quo Long Past The Time When The Quo Has Lost Its Status.


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America Is A Country That Doesn’t Know Where It Is Going But Is Determined To Set A Speed Record Getting There.


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Equal Opportunity Means Everyone Will Have A Fair Chance At Being Incompetent.


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