Lawana Blackwell Quotes

He Had Learned Over The Years That Poor People Did Not Feel So Poor When Allowed To Give Occasionally.


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If Courage Wasn’t A Standard Result Of Aging, It Meant That The Young Could Somehow Acquire It As Well.


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I’ve Grown To Realize The Joy That Comes From Little Victories Is Preferable To The Fun That Comes From Ease And The Pursuit Of Pleasure.


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If There Was Strife And Contention In The Home, Very Little Else In Life Could Compensate For It.


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Propriety Was A Rigid Master, But One That Must Be Obeyed If One Wanted To Keep A Sterling Reputation.


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Youth Isn’t Always All It’s Touted To Be.


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Age Is No Guarantee Of Maturity.


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It Isn’t Kind To Cultivate A Friendship Just So One Will Have An Audience.


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Outings Are So Much More Fun When We Can Savor Them Through The Children’s Eyes.


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The Hatred You’re Carrying Is A Live Coal In Your Heart – Far More Damaging To Yourself Than To Them.


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Patterning Your Life Around Other’s Opinions Is Nothing More Than Slavery.


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For All Their Strength, Men Were Sometimes Like Little Children.


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Forgiveness Is Almost A Selfish Act Because Of Its Immense Benefits To The One Who Forgives.


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