Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

An Eye For An Eye Makes The Whole World Blind.


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It Is Unwise To Be Too Sure Of One’s Own Wisdom. It Is Healthy To Be Reminded That The Strongest Might Weaken And The Wisest Might Err.


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The Weak Can Never Forgive. Forgiveness Is The Attribute Of The Strong.


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In The Attitude Of Silence The Soul Finds The Path In A Clearer Light, And What Is Elusive And Deceptive Resolves Itself Into Crystal Clearness. Our Life Is A Long And Arduous Quest After Truth.


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Happiness Is When What You Think, What You Say, And What You Do Are In Harmony.


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Indolence Is A Delightful But Distressing State; We Must Be Doing Something To Be Happy.


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Freedom Is Not Worth Having If It Does Not Include The Freedom To Make Mistakes.


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It Is Better To Be Violent, If There Is Violence In Our Hearts, Than To Put On The Cloak Of Nonviolence To Cover Impotence.


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What Difference Does It Make To The Dead, The Orphans And The Homeless, Whether The Mad Destruction Is Wrought Under The Name Of Totalitarianism Or The Holy Name Of Liberty Or Democracy?


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Honest Differences Are Often A Healthy Sign Of Progress.


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You Must Not Lose Faith In Humanity. Humanity Is An Ocean; If A Few Drops Of The Ocean Are Dirty, The Ocean Does Not Become Dirty.


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Victory Attained By Violence Is Tantamount To A Defeat, For It Is Momentary.


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