Mark Twain Quotes

Humor Is The Great Thing, The Saving Thing. The Minute It Crops Up, All Our Irritations And Resentments Slip Away And A Sunny Spirit Takes Their Place.


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There Are People Who Strictly Deprive Themselves Of Each And Every Eatable, Drinkable, And Smokable Which Has In Any Way Acquired A Shady Reputation. They Pay This Price For Health. And Health Is All They Get For It. How Strange It Is. It Is Like Paying Out Your Whole Fortune For A Cow That Has Gone Dry.


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The Universal Brotherhood Of Man Is Our Most Precious Possession.


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What A Good Thing Adam Had. When He Said A Good Thing He Knew Nobody Had Said It Before.


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By Trying We Can Easily Learn To Endure Adversity. Another Man’s, I Mean.


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An Englishman Is A Person Who Does Things Because They Have Been Done Before. An American Is A Person Who Does Things Because They Haven’t Been Done Before.


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Courage Is Resistance To Fear, Mastery Of Fear – Not Absence Of Fear.


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An Enemy Can Partly Ruin A Man, But It Takes A Good-Natured Injudicious Friend To Complete The Thing And Make It Perfect.


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We Are Always More Anxious To Be Distinguished For A Talent Which We Do Not Possess, Than To Be Praised For The Fifteen Which We Do Possess.


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Grief Can Take Care Of Itself; But To Get The Full Value Of A Joy You Must Have Someone To Divide It With.


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Anyone Who Stops Learning Is Old, Whether Twenty Or Eighty. Anyone Who Keeps Learning Stays Young. The Greatest Thing You Can Do Is Keep Your Mind Young.


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It Was Wonderful To Find America, But It Would Have Been More Wonderful To Miss It.


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It Usually Takes More Than Three Weeks To Prepare A Good Impromptu Speech.


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All You Need In This Life Is Ignorance And Confidence; Then Success Is Sure.


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Water, Taken In Moderation, Cannot Hurt Anybody.


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Of All God’s Creatures There Is Only One That Cannot Be Made The Slave Of The Lash. That One Is The Cat. If Man Could Be Crossed With Cat It Would Improve Man, But It Would Deteriorate The Cat.


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There Are Several Good Protections Against Temptations, But The Surest Is Cowardice.


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Time Cools, Time Clarifies; No Mood Can Be Maintained Quite Unaltered Through The Course Of Hours.


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The Report Of My Death Was An Exaggeration.


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If You Tell The Truth You Don’t Have To Remember Anything.


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A Banker Is A Fellow Who Lends You His Umbrella When The Sun Is Shining, But Wants It Back The Minute It Begins To Rain.


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