Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes

Ten Thousand Fools Proclaim Themselves Into Obscurity, While One Wise Man Forgets Himself Into Immortality.


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Our Scientific Power Has Outrun Our Spiritual Power. We Have Guided Missiles And Misguided Men.


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I Submit That An Individual Who Breaks A Law That Conscience Tells Him Is Unjust, And Who Willingly Accepts The Penalty Of Imprisonment In Order To Arouse The Conscience Of The Community Over Its Injustice, Is In Reality Expressing The Highest Respect For The Law.


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Now, I Say To You Today My Friends, Even Though We Face The Difficulties Of Today And Tomorrow, I Still Have A Dream. It Is A Dream Deeply Rooted In The American Dream. I Have A Dream That One Day This Nation Will Rise Up And Live Out The True Meaning Of Its Creed: – ‘We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident, That All Men Are Created Equal.’


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When You Are Right You Cannot Be Too Radical; When You Are Wrong, You Cannot Be Too Conservative.


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Our Lives Begin To End The Day We Become Silent About Things That Matter.


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Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere.


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Hatred Paralyzes Life; Love Releases It. Hatred Confuses Life; Love Harmonizes It. Hatred Darkens Life; Love Illuminates It.


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In The End, We Will Remember Not The Words Of Our Enemies, But The Silence Of Our Friends.


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Nothing In All The World Is More Dangerous Than Sincere Ignorance And Conscientious Stupidity.


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