Monica Fairview Quotes

When A Person Is Uncertain In Love, There Is Nothing Easier Than For Him To Put One And One Together And To Make Three Out Of Them.


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If You Ask Too Many Questions, You Will Find No Answers, Only More Questions.


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I Think The Mark Of A Great Ruler, Is Not His Ability To Make War But To Achieve Peace.


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To Demand Perfection Is A Sure Way To Be Disappointed In Everybody, For You Will Be Bound To Think Ill Of Others.


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It Is Much Easier To Break The Rules When One S Surrounded By Strangers. One Does Not Know Any Of Them, So One Cannot Really Care For Their Opinion.


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The Perversity Of The Human Spirit Is Such That When A Young Lady Longs For One Specific Partner, Every Other Partner Counts For Nothing.


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A Curious Part Of The Human Psyche Is That The Moment That A Person Presumed To Be In Danger Is Discovered To Be Safe, Everyone’s Anxiety Turns Into Anger.


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Once You Have Listened To The Gossip For Some Time, You Will Soon Feel As If You Know Everyone, Even If You Have Never Met Them.


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It Is Generally True That, The More Preparations One Has For An Event, The More Inconveniently Fast The Event Will Occur.


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