Plato Quotes

Any One Who Has Common Sense Will Remember That The Bewilderments Of The Eyes Are Of Two Kinds, And Arise From Two Causes, Either From Coming Out Of The Light Or From Going Into The Light, Which Is True Of The Mind’s Eye, Quite As Much As Of The Bodily Eye; And He Who Remembers This When He Sees Any One Whose Vision Is Perplexed And Weak, Will Not Be Too Ready To Laugh; He Will First Ask Whether That Soul Of Man Has Come Out Of The Brighter Light, And Is Unable To See Because Unaccustomed To The Dark, Or Having Turned From Darkness To The Day Is Dazzled By Excess Of Light.


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You Are Young, My Son, And, As The Years Go By, Time Will Change And Even Reverse Many Of Your Present Opinions. Refrain Therefore Awhile From Setting Yourself Up As A Judge Of The Highest Matters.


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You Can Discover More About A Person In An Hour Of Play Than In A Year Of Conversation.


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Desires Are Only The Lack Of Something: And Those Who Have The Greatest Desires Are In A Worse Condition Than Those Who Have None, Or Very Slight Ones.


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Ignorance, The Root And The Stem Of Every Evil.


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Friends Have All Things In Common.


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Laws Are Partly Formed For The Sake Of Good Men, In Order To Instruct Them How They May Live On Friendly Terms With One Another, And Partly For The Sake Of Those Who Refuse To Be Instructed, Whose Spirit Cannot Be Subdued, Or Softened, Or Hindered From Plunging Into Evil.


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When There Is An Income Tax, The Just Man Will Pay More And The Unjust Less On The Same Amount Of Income.


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I Have Hardly Ever Known A Mathematician Who Was Capable Of Reasoning.


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If Women Are Expected To Do The Same Work As Men, We Must Teach Them The Same Things.


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Bodily Exercise, When Compulsory, Does No Harm To The Body; But Knowledge Which Is Acquired Under Compulsion Obtains No Hold On The Mind.


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No Evil Can Happen To A Good Man, Either In Life Or After Death.


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Wealth Is The Parent Of Luxury And Indolence, And Poverty Of Meanness And Viciousness, And Both Of Discontent.


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The Soul Of Man Is Immortal And Imperishable.


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Must Not All Things At The Last Be Swallowed Up In Death?


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False Words Are Not Only Evil In Themselves, But They Infect The Soul With Evil.


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Never Discourage Anyone…Who Continually Makes Progress, No Matter How Slow.


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He Who Is Of Calm And Happy Nature Will Hardly Feel The Pressure Of Age, But To Him Who Is Of An Opposite Disposition Youth And Age Are Equally A Burden.


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The Direction In Which Education Starts A Man Will Determine His Future Life.


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