Samuel Butler Quotes

Man Is The Only Animal That Laughs And Has A State Legislature.


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Life Is Like Playing A Violin In Public And Learning The Instrument As One Goes On.


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Life Is One Long Process Of Getting Tired.


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Genius Might Be Described As A Supreme Capacity For Getting Its Possessors Into Trouble Of All Kinds.


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All Progress Is Based Upon A Universal Innate Desire On The Part Of Every Organism To Live Beyond Its Income.


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Any Fool Can Tell The Truth, But It Requires A Man Of Some Sense To Know How To Lie Well.


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It Has Been Said That The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil. The Want Of Money Is So Quite As Truly.


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All Philosophies, If You Ride Them, Are Nonsense, But Some Are Greater Nonsense Than Others.


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The Best Liar Is He Who Makes The Smallest Amount Of Lying Go The Longest Way.


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Life Is The Art Of Drawing Sufficient Conclusions From Insufficient Premises.


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When You Have Told Anyone You Have Left Him A Legacy The Only Decent Thing To Do Is To Die At Once.


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