Sir Francis Bacon Quotes

Some Books Are To Be Tasted, Others To Be Swallowed, And Some Few To Be Chewed And Digested: That Is, Some Books Are To Be Read Only In Parts, Others To Be Read, But Not Curiously, And Some Few To Be Read Wholly, And With Diligence And Attention.


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Silence Is The Virtue Of Fools.


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There Is No Excellent Beauty That Hath Not Some Strangeness In The Proportion.


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There Be Three Things Which Make A Nation Great And Prosperous: A Fertile Soil, Busy Workshops, Easy Conveyance For Men And Goods From Place To Place.


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Man Seeketh In Society Comfort, Use And Protection.


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Read Not To Contradict And Confute, Nor To Find Talk And Discourse, But To Weigh And Consider.


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In Charity There Is No Excess.


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A Wise Man Will Make More Opportunities Than He Finds.


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Reading Maketh A Full Man, Conference A Ready Man, And Writing An Exact Man.


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By Far The Best Proof Is Experience.


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In Taking Revenge, A Man Is But Even With His Enemy; But In Passing It Over, He Is Superior.


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In This Theater Of Man’s Life, It Is Reserved Only For God And For Angels To Be Lookers-On.


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Praise From The Common People Is Generally False, And Rather Follows The Vain Than The Virtuous.


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Revenge Is A Kind Of Wild Justice, Which The More Man’s Nature Runs To The More Ought Law To Weed It Out.


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Discretion In Speech Is More Than Eloquence.


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Knowledge Is Power.


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Whosoever Is Delighted In Solitude Is Either A Wild Beast Or A God.


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Ask Counsel Of Both Times-Of The Ancient Time What Is Best, And Of The Latter Time What Is Fittest.


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