Sir Winston Churchill Quotes

When I Am Abroad, I Always Make It A Rule Never To Criticize Or Attack The Government Of My Own Country. I Make Up For Lost Time When I Come Home.


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One Day President Roosevelt Told Me That He Was Asking Publicly For Suggestions About What The War Should Be Called. I Said At Once ‘The Unnecessary War’.


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Every Day You May Make Progress. Every Step May Be Fruitful. Yet There Will Stretch Out Before You An Ever-Lengthening, Ever-Ascending, Ever-Improving Path. You Know You Will Never Get To The End Of The Journey. But This, So Far From Discouraging, Only Adds To The Joy And Glory Of The Climb.


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If We Open A Quarrel Between The Past And The Present, We Shall Find That We Have Lost The Future.


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The Reserve Of Modern Assertions Is Sometimes Pushed To Extremes, In Which The Fear Of Being Contradicted Leads The Writer To Strip Himself Of Almost All Sense And Meaning.


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History Will Be Kind To Me For I Intend To Write It.


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We Must Beware Of Trying To Build A Society In Which Nobody Counts For Anything Except A Politician Or An Official, A Society Where Enterprise Gains No Reward And Thrift No Privileges.


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Many Forms Of Government Have Been Tried, And Will Be Tried In This World Of Sin And Woe. No One Pretends That Democracy Is Perfect Or All-Wise. Indeed, It Has Been Said That Democracy Is The Worst Form Of Government Except All Those Other Forms That Have Been Tried From Time To Time.


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We Shall Show Mercy, But We Shall Not Ask For It.


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It Is A Good Thing For An Uneducated Man To Read Books Of Quotations. Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations Is An Admirable Work, And I Studied It Intently. The Quotations When Engraved Upon The Memory Give You Good Thoughts. They Also Make You Anxious To Read The Authors And Look For More.


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It Is A Mistake To Try To Look Too Far Ahead. The Chain Of Destiny Can Only Be Grasped One Link At A Time.


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Never, Never, Never Believe Any War Will Be Smooth And Easy, Or That Anyone Who Embarks On The Strange Voyage Can Measure The Tides And Hurricanes He Will Encounter. The Statesman Who Yields To War Fever Must Realize That Once The Signal Is Given, He Is No Longer The Master Of Policy But The Slave Of Unforeseeable And Uncontrollable Events.


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Broadly Speaking, The Short Words Are The Best, And The Old Words Best Of All.


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He Has All The Virtues I Dislike And None Of The Vices I Admire.


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So They [The Government] Go On In Strange Paradox, Decided Only To Be Undecided, Resolved To Be Irresolute, Adamant For Drift, Solid For Fluidity, All-Powerful To Be Impotent.


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It’s Not Enough That We Do Our Best; Sometimes We Have To Do What’s Required.


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Men Occasionally Stumble Over The Truth, But Most Of Them Pick Themselves Up And Hurry Off As If Nothing Ever Happened.


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Want Of Foresight, Unwillingness To Act When Action Would Be Simple And Effective, Lack Of Clear Thinking, Confusion Of Counsel Until The Emergency Comes, Until Self-Preservation Strikes Its Jarring Gong-These Are The Features Which Constitute The Endless Repetition Of History.


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We Make A Living By What We Get, We Make A Life By What We Give.


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I Like Pigs. Dogs Look Up To Us. Cats Look Down On Us. Pigs Treat Us As Equals.


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Where There Is A Great Deal Of Free Speech There Is Always A Certain Amount Of Foolish Speech.


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The Price Of Greatness Is Responsibility.


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I Am Reminded Of The Professor Who, In His Declining Hours, Was Asked By His Devoted Pupils For His Final Counsel. He Replied, ‘Verify Your Quotations.’


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For Myself I Am An Optimist – It Does Not Seem To Be Much Use Being Anything Else.


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Success Is The Ability To Go From One Failure To Another With No Loss Of Enthusiasm.


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The Empires Of The Future Are The Empires Of The Mind.


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