Steve Jobs Quotes

Your Time Is Limited, So Don’t Waste It Living Someone Else’s Life. Don’t Be Trapped By Dogma, Which Is Living With The Results Of Other People’s Thinking. Don’t Let The Noise Of Other’s Opinions Drown Out Your Inner Voice. And Most Important, Have The Courage To Follow Your Heart And Intuition. They Somehow Already Know What You Truly Want To Become. Everything Else Is Secondary.


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No One Wants To Die. Even People Who Want To Go To Heaven Don’t Want To Die To Get There. And Yet, Death Is The Destination We All Share. No One Has Ever Escaped It, And That Is How It Should Be, Because Death Is Very Likely The Single Best Invention Of Life. It’s Life’s Change Agent. It Clears Out The Old To Make Way For The New.


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You Can’t Connect The Dots Looking Forward You Can Only Connect Them Looking Backwards. So You Have To Trust That The Dots Will Somehow Connect In Your Future. You Have To Trust In Something: Your Gut, Destiny, Life, Karma, Whatever. Because Believing That The Dots Will Connect Down The Road Will Give You The Confidence To Follow Your Heart, Even When It Leads You Off The Well Worn Path.


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Here’s To The Crazy Ones, The Misfits, The Rebels, The Troublemakers, The Round Pegs In The Square Holes… The Ones Who See Things Differently — They’re Not Fond Of Rules… You Can Quote Them, Disagree With Them, Glorify Or Vilify Them, But The Only Thing You Can’t Do Is Ignore Them Because They Change Things… They Push The Human Race Forward, And While Some May See Them As The Crazy Ones, We See Genius, Because The Ones Who Are Crazy Enough To Think That They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do.


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Design Is Not Just What It Looks Like And Feels Like. Design Is How It Works.


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It’s Really Hard To Design Products By Focus Groups. A Lot Of Times, People Don’t Know What They Want Until You Show It To Them.


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You’ve Got To Find What You Love And That Is As True For Work As It Is For Lovers. Your Work Is Going To Fill A Large Part Of Your Life And The Only Way To Be Truly Satisfied Is To Do What You Believe Is Great Work. And The Only Way To Do Great Work Is To Love What What You Do. If You Haven’t Found It Yet, Keep Looking And Don’t Settle. As With All Matters Of The Heart, You’ll Know When You’ve Found It.


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In Most People’s Vocabularies, Design Means Veneer. It’s Interior Decorating. It’s The Fabric Of The Curtains Of The Sofa. But To Me, Nothing Could Be Further From The Meaning Of Design. Design Is The Fundamental Soul Of A Human-Made Creation That Ends Up Expressing Itself In Successive Outer Layers Of The Product Or Service.


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Almost Everything: All External Expectations, All Pride All Fear Of Embarrassment Or Failure. These Tings Just Fall Away In The Face Of Death, Leaving Only What Is Truly Important. Remembering That You Are Going To Die Is The Best Way I Know To Avoid The Trap Of Thinking You Have Something To Lose.


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Remembering That I’ll Be Dead Soon Is The Most Important Tool I’ve Ever Encountered To Help Me Make The Big Choices In Life.


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Sometimes Life Is Going To Hit You In The Head With A Brick. Don’t Lose Faith.


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