Theodore Roosevelt Quotes

Far And Away The Best Prize That Life Offers Is The Chance To Work Hard At Work Worth Doing.


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To Educate A Man In Mind And Not In Morals Is To Educate A Menace To Society.


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In A Civilized And Cultivated Country, Wild Animals Only Continue To Exist At All When Preserved By Sportsmen.


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No, I’m Not A Good Shot, But I Shoot Often.


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Wars Are, Of Course, As A Rule To Be Avoided; But They Are Far Better Than Certain Kinds Of Peace.


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Aggressive Fighting For The Right Is The Greatest Sport In The World.


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No Man Is Justified In Doing Evil On The Ground Of Expediency.


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The Most Practical Kind Of Politics Is The Politics Of Decency.


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We Are Face To Face With Our Destiny And We Must Meet It With High And Resolute Courage. For Us Is The Life Of Action, Of Strenuous Performance Of Duty; Let Us Live In The Harness, Striving Mightily; Let Us Rather Run The Risk Of Wearing Out Than Rusting Out.


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The Wild Life Of Today Is Not Ours To Do With As We Please. The Original Stock Was Given To Us In Trust For The Benefit Both Of The Present And The Future. We Must Render An Accounting Of This Trust To Those Who Come After Us.


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When They Call The Roll In The Senate, The Senators Do Not Know Whether To Answer ‘Present’ Or ‘Not Guilty.’


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Far Better Is It To Dare Mighty Things, To Win Glorious Triumphs, Even Though Checkered By Failure , Than To Take Rank With Those Poor Spires Who Neither Enjoy Much Nor Suffer Much Because They Live In The Gray Twilight That Knows Not Victory Or Defeat.


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Justice Consists Not In Being Neutral Between Right And Wrong, But In Finding Out The Right And Upholding It, Wherever Found, Against The Wrong.


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Far Better It Is To Dare Mighty Things, To Win Glorious Triumphs Even Though Checkered By Failure, Than To Rank With Those Poor Spirits Who Neither Enjoy Nor Suffer Much Because They Live In The Gray Twilight That Knows Neither Victory Nor Defeat.


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Whenever You Are Asked If You Can Do A Job, Tell ‘Em, ‘Certainly I Can!’ Then Get Busy And Find Out How To Do It.


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The Decisions Of The Courts On Economic And Social Questions Depend On Their Economic And Social Philosophy.


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