Thomas H. Huxley Quotes

There Is No Greater Mistake Than The Hasty Conclusion That Opinions Are Worthless Because They Are Badly Argued.


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Every Great Advance In Natural Knowledge Has Involved The Absolute Rejection Of Authority.


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Science Is Nothing But Trained And Organized Common Sense, Differing From The Latter Only As A Veteran May Differ From A Raw Recruit: And Its Methods Differ From Those Of Common Sense Only As Far As The Guardsman’s Cut And Thrust Differ From The Manner In Which A Savage Wields His Club.


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It Is An Error To Imagine That Evolution Signifies A Constant Tendency To Increased Perfection. That Process Undoubtedly Involves A Constant Remodelling Of The Organism In Adaptation To New Conditions; But It Depends On The Nature Of Those Conditions Whether The Directions Of The Modifications Effected Shall Be Upward Or Downward.


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The Great Tragedy Of Science – The Slaying Of A Beautiful Hypothesis By An Ugly Fact.


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Perhaps The Most Valuable Result Of All Education Is The Ability To Make Yourself Do The Thing You Have To Do, When It Ought To Be Done, Whether You Like It Or Not; It Is The First Lesson That Ought To Be Learned; And However Early A Man’s Training Begins, It Is Probably The Last Lesson That He Learns Thoroughly.


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