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Not Every Story Has Explosions And Car Chases. That’s Why They Have Nudity And Espionage.


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Medication Isn’t The Only Way To Correct Brain Abnormalities In Depression. Physical Exercise Also Brings About Profound Changes In The Brain; Changes That Rival Those Seen With The Most Potent Antidepressant Medications.


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The Intelligence Is Proved Not By Ease Of Learning, But By Understanding What We Learn.


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The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It


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A Wise Man Can See More From The Bottom Of A Well Than A Fool Can From A Mountain Top .


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Just As I Had To Go Through A Transition Period, I Guess [My Friends And Family] Did, Too.


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No Matter What, No Matter How, Where Or Who You Can Almost Always Turn Around And Get A Second Chance


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Everyone Has Certain Fears, Certain Things That One Cannot Abide.


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If You Stop Dreaming, You’re Just Sleeping.


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Be Smart Enough To Hold On, Be Brave Enough To Let Go. Sometimes, We Need To Hold Onto Faith While Letting Go Of The Outcome. Open Your Hand And Hold Your Dreams Gently, Don’t Try To Grab Them


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I Am In Control Of All Decisions That Have To Do With My Image, Which Means That No One Will Decide What’s Right For Me Except Me. I’m Not Special. We Should All Feel This Way About Ourselves.


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Most Of Us Believe In Trying To Make Other People Happy Only If They Can Be Happy In Ways Which We Approve.


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What I Learned From Weight Watchers Is That Food Was Meant To Be Used As Fuel For Our Bodies. If We Are Using It For Any Other Reasons, It Is Time To Take A Step Back And Ask Ourselves What’s Up.


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The Cure For Anything Is Salt Water… Tears, Sweat Or The Sea.


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Pain Is Inevitable. Suffering Is Optional


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Character Consists Of What You Do On The Third And Forth Tries.


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Thinking Rationally Is Often Different From Positive Thinking, In That It Is A Realistic Assessment Of The Situation, With A View Towards Rectifying The Problem If Possible.


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Happiness Is A Choice. Choose Happy


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Fat People, It Is Commonly Held, Should Be Punished Because They Offend Our Aesthetic Sensibilities. They Take Up Too Much Space On Subways, Buses, Airplanes, And Elevators. They Consume More Than They Contribute To Society. They Become Ill And Need To Be Taken Care Of, Or They Die Early And Their Families Are Left Unsupported. The Only Way Fat People Can Gain Some Acceptance And Forgiveness For Their Crime Of Overeating Is To At Least Try, Or Look Like They Are Trying, To Lose Weight. They Must Never Eat An Ice Cream Cone In Public, Never Be Seen Eating A Normal Sized Portion Of Non-Diet Food!


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Being Manipulative Is Dishonest And Immature. We Often End Up Having To Make Up More Lies To Cover For Inconsistencies In Our Original Manipulation. In Addition, It Sets A Terrible Example For Our Children. While It May Solve Your Initial Problem, The Tangled Web That Grows From Such Dishonesty Is More Trouble Than It’s Worth.


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I Don’t Want To Live In A World Where I Have To Eat Sugar-Free Sugar Cookies.


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Religions Are Born And May Die, But Superstition In Immortal.


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Children Should Feel Loved Because They Exist, Not Because They’ve Behaved In A Certain Way.


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Dude, Marriage Is The ‘Get Out Of Loneliness Free’ Card In The Monopoly Game Of Life.


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Sometimes People Don’t Understand The Promises They’re Making When They Make Them. Right, Of Course. But You Keep The Promise Anyway. That’s What Love Is. Love Is Keeping The Promise Anyway.


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In A Few Minutes A Computer Can Make A Mistake So Great That It Would Have Taken Many Men Many Months To Equal It.


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When Other People Reject Positive Changes You Make For Yourself, There Is Always Some Nerve To Get To The Root Of In Those Other People.


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Never Lose Hope.


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The Future Will Erase Everything; There’s No Level Of Fame Or Genius That Allows You To Transcend Oblivion. The Infinite Future Makes That Kind Of Mattering Impossible.


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Exercise Is Medicine. Literally. Just Like A Pill, It Reliably Changes Brain Function By Altering The Activity Of Key Brain Chemicals And Hormones.


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Grief Does Not Change You, It Reveals You.


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Artificial Intelligence Is No Match For Natural Stupidity.


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Avoidance Is A Great Tool To Get Away From Food In My Face All Day Long.


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How You Do One Thing, Is How You Do Everything. Be Aware


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I Don’t Think God Gives A Shit If We Have A Dog Or If A Woman Wears Shorts. I Think He Gives A Shit About Whether You’re A Good Person.


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I Learned An Important Lesson In The Art Of Debate. Present Your Argument Clearly, Arm Yourself With Cutting Wit And Of Course, Bob And Weave!


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The Most Wasted Day Of All Is That In Which We Have Not Laughed.


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Trust That Your Child Is Trying To Be The Best He Can Be And That He Will Do This More Readily Without Your Criticism. Know That He Usually Sees His Own Faults Without You Continually Pointing Them Out.


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Eye Contact Is The Best Accessory.


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You Can’t Make A Life-Altering Decision For Someone Else And Expect It To Stick.


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I’m Terribly Sorry, But Nature Is Not Always Family Friendly.


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When You Own Or Take Responsibility For Your Feelings, You Place Yourself In A Position Of Power And Control.


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Life Is Not About Kissing Ass, It’s About Kicking Ass!


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Some Tourists Think Amsterdam Is A City Of Sin, But In Truth It Is A City Of Freedom. And In Freedom, Most People Find Sin.


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If The Inevitability Of Human Oblivion Worries You, I Encourage You To Ignore It.


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It Can Be A Real Struggle To Accept That Sometimes Appearance Can Be More Important Than Talent Or Intelligence.


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What Is The Point Of Being Alive If You Don’t At Least Try To Do Something Remarkable?


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Don’t Worry. Be Happy


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Everybody Loves Some Fun, Back-Breaking Manual Labor!


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Cats Are Intended To Teach Us That Not Everything In Nature Has A Function.


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