Will Rogers Quotes

Politics Is Applesauce.


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Heroing Is One Of The Shortest-Lived Professions There Is.


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I Don’t Make Jokes. I Just Watch The Government And Report The Facts.


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The Only Time People Dislike Gossip Is When You Gossip About Them.


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The More You Read And Observe About This Politics Thing, You Got To Admit That Each Party Is Worse Than The Other. The One That’s Out Always Looks The Best.


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For The American People Are A Very Generous People And Will Forgive Almost Any Weakness, With The Possible Exception Of Stupidity.


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There Is Nothing As Stupid As An Educated Man If You Get Him Off The Thing He Was Educated In.


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Rumor Travels Faster, But It Don’t Stay Put As Long As Truth.


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Half Our Life Is Spent Trying To Find Something To Do With The Time We Have Rushed Through Life Trying To Save.


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We Can’t All Be Heroes Because Somebody Has To Sit On The Curb And Clap As They Go By.


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This Country Has Come To Feel The Same When Congress Is In Session As When The Baby Gets Hold Of A Hammer.


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I Have Always Noticed That People Will Never Laugh At Anything That Is Not Based On Truth.


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Too Many People Spend Money They Haven’t Earned, To Buy Things They Don’t Want, To Impress People They Don’t Like


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Live In Such A Way That You Would Not Be Ashamed To Sell Your Parrot To The Town Gossip.


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You Can’t Say That Civilization Don’t Advance, However, For In Every War They Kill You In A New Way.


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That’s The Trouble With A Politician’s Life-Somebody Is Always Interrupting It With An Election.


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Take The Diplomacy Out Of War And The Thing Would Fall Flat In A Week.


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Communism Is Like Prohibition, It’s A Good Idea But It Won’t Work.


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I’m Not A Real Movie Star. I’ve Still Got The Same Wife I Started Out With Twenty-Eight Years Ago.


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On Account Of Being A Democracy And Run By The People, We Are The Only Nation In The World That Has To Keep A Government Four Years, No Matter What It Does.


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The Income Tax Has Made More Liars Out Of The American People Than Golf Has.


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There’s The One Thing No Nation Can Ever Accuse Us Of And That Is Secret Diplomacy. Our Foreign Are An Open Book, Generally A Check Book.


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Even If You’re On The Right Track, You’ll Get Run Over If You Just Sit There


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There’s No Trick To Being A Humorist When You Have The Whole Government Working For You.


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You Know Everybody Is Ignorant, Only On Different Subjects.


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An Ignorant Person Is One Who Doesn’t Know What You Have Just Found Out.


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