Books Quotes

Reading Is To The Mind What Exercise Is To The Body.


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He Liked All Books, Because He Liked The Mere Act Of Reading, The Magic Of Turning Scratches On A Page Into Words Inside His Head.


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There’s A Certain Kind Of Conversation You Have From Time To Time At Parties In New York About A New Book. The Word Banal Sometimes Rears Its By-Now Banal Head; You Say Underedited, I Say Derivative. The Conversation Goes Around And Around Various Literary Criticisms, And By The Time It Moves On One Thing Is Clear: No One Read The Book; We Just Read The Reviews.


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Do Give Books – Religious Or Otherwise – For Christmas. They’re Never Fattening, Seldom Sinful, And Permanently Personal.


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Nothing Can Do What A Book Can Do. Lifts You Out Of Your Life… To A Whole New World, Whole New Perspective. A Book Is Like A Dream You’re Borrowing From A Friend.


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How Many A Man Has Dated A New Era In His Life From The Reading Of A Book.


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People Say That Life Is The Thing, But I Prefer Reading.


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Oh For A Book And A Shady Nook…


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Life-Transforming Ideas Have Always Come To Me Through Books.


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Books…Are Like Lobster Shells, We Surround Ourselves With ‘Em, Then We Grow Out Of ‘Em And Leave ‘Em Behind, As Evidence Of Our Earlier Stages Of Development.


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I Read Part Of It All The Way Through.


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In The Highest Civilization, The Book Is Still The Highest Delight. He Who Has Once Known Its Satisfactions Is Provided With A Resource Against Calamity.


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Books Are The Ultimate Dumpees: Put Them Down And They’ll Wait For You Forever; Pay Attention To Them And They Always Love You Back.


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There Is No Such Thing As A Moral Or An Immoral Book. Books Are Well Written Or Badly Written.


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There Is No Mistaking A Real Book When One Meets It. It Is Like Falling In Love.


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Books Are Good Enough In Their Own Way, But They Are A Mighty Bloodless Substitute For Life.


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The Multitude Of Books Is Making Us Ignorant.


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I’ve Never Known Any Trouble That An Hour’s Reading Didn’t Assuage.


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Fahrenheit 451 Is One Of Those Books That Is About How Amazing Books Are And How Amazing The People Who Write Books Are. Writers Love Writing Books Like This, And For Some Reason, We Let Them Get Away With It.


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I Declare After All There Is No Enjoyment Like Reading! How Much Sooner One Tires Of Anything Than Of A Book! When I Have A House Of My Own, I Shall Be Miserable If I Have Not An Excellent Library.


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Books To The Ceiling,
Books To The Sky,
My Pile Of Books Is A Mile High.
How I Love Them! How I Need Them!
I’ll Have A Long Beard By The Time I Read Them.


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Learn As Much By Writing As By Reading.


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Where Is Human Nature So Weak As In The Bookstore?


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The Love Of Learning, The Sequestered Nooks,
And All The Sweet Serenity Of Books.


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A Good Book Is Enjoyable. A Great Book Sets Off A Bomb Inside Of You.


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You Can Cover A Great Deal Of Country In Books.


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Reading Is Sometimes An Ingenious Device For Avoiding Thought.


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