Elbert Hubbard Quotes

To Avoid Criticism Do Nothing, Say Nothing, Be Nothing.


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The Greatest Mistake You Can Make In Life Is To Be Continually Fearing You Will Make One.


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Folks Who Never Do More Than Their Paid For, Never Get Paid For Any More Than They Do.


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The Recipe For Perpetual Ignorance Is: Be Satisfied With Your Opinions And Content With Your Knowledge.


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Life Is Just One Damned Thing After Another.


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Many A Man’s Reputation Would Not Know His Character If They Met On The Street.


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Get Happiness Out Of Your Work Or You May Never Know What Happiness Is.


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Genius May Have Its Limitations, But Stupidity Is Not Thus Handicapped.


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Never Explain–Your Friends Do Not Need It And Your Enemies Will Not Believe You Anyway.


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Editor: A Person Employed By A Newspaper, Whose Business It Is To Separate The Wheat From The Chaff, And To See That The Chaff Is Printed.


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