John Stuart Mill Quotes

That Which Seems The Height Of Absurdity In One Generation Often Becomes The Height Of Wisdom In The Next.


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War Is An Ugly Thing, But Not The Ugliest Of Things. The Decayed And Degraded State Of Moral And Patriotic Feeling Which Thinks That Nothing Is Worth War Is Much Worse. The Person Who Has Nothing For Which He Is Willing To Fight, Nothing Which Is More Important Than His Own Personal Safety, Is A Miserable Creature And Has No Chance Of Being Free Unless Made And Kept So By The Exertions Of Better Men Than Himself.


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One Person With A Belief Is Equal To A Force Of 99 Who Have Only Interests.


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Everyone Who Receives The Protection Of Society Owes A Return For The Benefit.


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But Society Has Now Fairly Got The Better Of Individuality; And The Danger Which Threatens Human Nature Is Not The Excess, But The Deficiency, Of Personal Impulses And Preferences.


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The Only Freedom Which Deserves The Name, Is That Of Pursuing Our Own Good In Our Own Way, So Long As We Do Not Attempt To Deprive Others Of Theirs, Or Impede Their Efforts To Obtain It.


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A Person May Cause Evil To Others Not Only By His Action But By His Inaction, And In Either Case He Is Justly Accountable To Them For The Injury.


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